Well where to begin, the start I guess. We packed the cars, the roofs and basically jammed everything in where we could. We were all so excited, our team was the Ellis family, the Cronan family and of course us. So six adults and eight children!! We have wanted to travel to the tip of Australia for a long time, one of those trips to tick off the list! Our basic plan was to travel up to the tip pretty quickly and then take our time a bit on the way back. We were mainly planning to stick to the Development Road. For two reasons, one, our friends didn't want to do the Old Telly track and two, we weren't experienced 4 wders enough to do it on our own.
The men and their 4bies |
Charlotte, Emma, Jake, Will, Will, Sam, Hazza and Zaccy |
We made good time, mainly as we were still on a lot of tar! Stopped at Hahn River Roadhouse for lunch. We were all like a bunch of excited kids. There is a resident evil emu. I have no love for birds in general and definitely not this one. It just pested us and pested more. Until we decided to try to herd it in to a nearby paddock. Mark was trying to throw bread to encourage it away but ended up dropping it right at Nikki's feet. Needless to say, she had to move quick to get away. Had me almost wetting myself. Especially as we had only just met these guys. Proved to be the first on many laughs of this trip.
Bloody bird |
We found the dirt, and the corrugations..... not too bad so far. We set up at Coen behind the Exchange (or Sexchange) Hotel, as its often referred as. Were pretty proud, managed to set up without too many arguments and in pretty good time. Its actually not school holidays, so our kids should have been doing lots of work. But that so wasn't going to happen. We decided to just ask them to do a journal entry each day. And they were pretty good and actually did, well most of the time!
School time |
Typical scenery up to Cape York, red dirt, trees, dust and termite mounds. Saw a couple or hundred termite mounds, took a few happy snaps. It seemed a good idea to stop and get out of the car for the photos. Luckily we had our trusty 'lolly pop' lady (Matty) to direct traffic. Luckily there wasn't any!!
Nikki throwing her leg up a termite nest!!! |
Lolly pop man |
Our next stop was to be Bramwell Station for the night. We stopped and had a look at Moreton on the way up and were told it was easy to go and watch others at Palm Creek. Apparently the crossing there is the worst at the moment. We had a look, saw a ute and camper trailer being winched out. Then we watch a guy drive his Landcruiser through. I tried to convince Mark we could do it, but he refused to bust up the landcruiser. Then he informed me that the other Cruiser had fancy lift kits etc that we didn't have. Oh well maybe next time..........................
Surely we could...................... |
Bramwell Station used to be a cattle station. Now they cater more for tourist and do alot of the road maintenance work up the Cape. Not a bad spot to camp. Kids enjoyed the resident pig and baby cows, to play with I mean! Mark bought a chain saw especially for this trip. Much to the amusement of all the other guys, as it was battery operated. It did the job but does tend to run out of batteries pretty fast. Especially as Mark tries to cut way too big a logs!!
washing up ladies |
Will, Charlotte and Moe |
See what I mean!!!! |
From Bramwell Station we travelled to The Jardine River and caught the ferry. Feels weird to be sitting in your car with the engine off but your still moving.
Animal enjoyed the ride |
Jardine River |
We booked in to Umagico camp grounds for four nights. On the drive in you go through the local indigenous community. It was pretty interesting, lots of rubbish, stray dogs and a few kids wandering around. Made us think where on earth were we going. Kids were very friendly though and waved and one little fella even saluted us (much to his own amusement). Then we found the camp ground, and to our delight it was in a great location.
When we weren't out exploring the kids were climbing trees, playing and generally getting dirty. The local kids came down a couple of times to play footy on the beach and marbles. Jake couldn't quite get the hang of their footy rules as they kept throwing the ball, much to his annoyance!!!
Nikki and I had a lovely walk along the beach one evening. Hope to see a croc but no luck. Some of the local kids were swimming but we thought it best not to let ours!
Umagico Beach |
Standard look for a few weeks |
Nikki, Em and Charlotte playing marbles with one of the local kids |
The footy teams |
The next day we headed off to see the tip. Took about an hour, stopped at the Croc Tent ( a souvenir place) took a a couple of photos and spent a few dollars. Then on to the tip. We parked on the beach and walked around to the tip that way, beautiful spot. We had to do one river crossing to get to the tip, actually was pretty deep, loved it!! And then the big moment, we made it to the tip! Not much there, a sign and some ocean, and an island pretty much right in front of you. We were so happy and pleased to be here, as you can probably tell from the pics. So now we have been to the Southern most point, Eastern and Northern, only the west to go.
Charlotte, fake croc, Jake and Will |
We went for a drive to Siesa, couldn't get over the glorious blue water and I couldn't swim. It was pretty warm, so Nikki and I braved it and went in up to our shins. Only because there were a few fishermen nearby and further out, figured it was clear water and we were pretty safe.
Dan, Mark and Matt. Mark looks pretty happy, am thinking someone told him a rude joke! Or Dan is grabbing his ass... |
So beautiful and tempting |
During the second world war there were a few planes wrecked near the tip. We went for a drive to check them out.
old plane |
Decided to try our lucky at the Seisa jetty for a few fish. We didn't really have the right gear, our lines was too thin. Had a great time jigging for bait fish. That entertained the kids and I but of course Mark was after a big fish, maybe another day.
One of Marks must dos was a fishing charter at the tip. Kaz, Mark and I headed off early and met up with Kevin and Heather to go out for a charter. Of course, we aren't much of fisher people so didn't really know much about moon cycle and tides etc but apparently it wasn't a favourable time for fishing in the area. But we were lucky and very excited to catch two big Mackerel. Another tick off Marks list. Was a fabulous morning out on the boat. When we got back we were told by another couple that they had seen a really big croc swim right near our boat, but we hadn't seen it, was so disappointed!!!
Kiss Kiss |
Check these two out, pretty nice, oh and the fish too!!! heehhee |
Kevin and Heather who we went on the fishing charter with, have been to Cape York lots. We convinced them to take us on a 4wd track to Somerset and 5 beaches. Was a great morning out. A couple of river crossings, some sand driving, a beautiful view and great company.
Looks like a tropical island |
We were sad to say goodbye to the tip, but the trip must go on. We headed back on the Jardine Ferry but this time went past Fruit Bat Falls and into Elliott Falls to camp for a few nights. We were all pretty hot and sweaty after no swimming etc in the heat, so were really looking forward to a cool swim. We had to do a fairly deep river crossing, up to the Cruisers head lights to get there but am so glad we did. Was an absolutely magical spot. We had a fabulous few days, swimming, hanging out, laughing, camp fires and a few drinks. Much to my amusement, Nikki had her wine, and made sure she only had a "halfa" which in my measurements, was a standard drink!!!
We met a group of young guys, me thinks they had had a few. They were jumping, diving and flipping of the cliffs into the river. We all had a go and was a lot of fun. Even if I swore the whole way down!! Then we saw them diving head first into this waterfall, crazy. Yep I am that old lady now who says "kids of today........"
The playground for a few days, we are so spoilt |
My boys |
The beautiful Elliott Falls |
Mark has no fear |
Nikki "helping", pulling Charlotte in |
This is a photo of the creek crossing on the way out of Elliott Falls, water had dropped a bit. Didn't get a photo on the way in as I was busy videoing it. Which means I have a lovely section of film of Marks happy face as he raced out of the crossing shouting "Go the Cruiser"!!!!!! Also please note our trip mascot, Animal. Much to my delight, as I am not a fan of the Muppet's. He's still on the cruiser as Charlotte cried when I tried to get rid of him.
Go the Cruiser |
The Ellis family decided to head home early, work commitments. Luckily the Cronans also wanted to see a but more so we stayed together and checked out the rest of the Cape York Peninsular. First stop was Fruit Bat Falls. Its a really popular, well known spot. We were lucky and got there nice and early and basically were the only ones there. Its bigger than Elliott/Twin Falls, and I don't think as nice, bit open and popular. As we left the car park was full and a tour bus had arrived, glad we were leaving!
Jake, Mark, Charlotte, Em, Hazza, Nik, Will and Matt |
We wanted to head out to Chili Beach, on the eastern side, but had trouble booking camping sites, plus the weather warning was for very windy. So we decided to miss Chili Beach, fairly disappointed but we will come back one day. So next stop was Weipa. We had heard mixed reports, some said it was great others said it was just a mining town. Well we ended up having a blast. We set up that arvo then headed out for dinner. Had a lovely meal at the local hotel. The next few days the kids played, swam in the pool and of course found more kids to play with.
We went fishing off the Jetty and caught 9 Brim, pity they were under sized. But Charlotte especially loved it. We also hired a boat for the morning. Mark took Matt, Hazza, Will and Charlotte out first. Matt caught a fish plus a two metre shark swam past the boat, so all pretty exciting. Then we swapped and Mark took Nikki, Emma, Jake and I out. Had a nice time putting about. I caught a shark, only a small one but still a catch!! Was a lot of fun, especially for the Cronan kids, as they hadn't been out in a boat before.
Another highlight would have to be the sunsets. They were amazing, so pretty and full of colour. Every evening everyone heads down with their drinks and watched the sunset. One evening Nikki and I took the kids down. They proceeded to make sandcastle and have a great time. So we sat and chatted and watched the sunset. We had been there for a while when one of the kids said they thought they could see a croc coming in near the beach. As we were sitting fairly close to the water, oops. We turned around and realised that there had been 30 odd people on the beach and now it was just us, and it had gotten pretty dark. We needed Matt, our resident croc security man. If anyone mentioned crocs, Matt put his thongs on his hands as weapons, made us laugh alot!! We soon high tailed it out of there. On the way back the kids ran ahead through the caravan park together. Somehow Jake got lost, we soon realised and found him, poor little fella was sitting down crying worried the croc was going to come into the park and eat him. Lots of cuddles were needed, only for a few minutes then he was over it. Took me a bit longer.

Charlotte, Winnie, Em and big dolly |
We met a few other people while we were at Weipa, Mark was getting very jealous of their Cape York stories. One couple invited us to join them and their kids at Vrilya point but we decided it wouldn't feel right to head north again plus we didn't want to leave the Cronans, we had taken a liking to them by then.
So we set out for Coen, this time to camp by the river. We had been told by quite a few people it was a lovely safe place to camp and swim, no crocs. We checked with the locals at the quarantine area, who confirmed it was OK to swim there. Was a choice spot to camp. Right by the river and we ended up having a great couple of days. We met two other couples, Kim and Pete (or Uncle Petey, as the kids called him) and Ryan (or Bryan) and Nadia. Had lots of laughs around the camp fire with these guys. Pete even took the kids and set the yabby nets. The next day they caught a couple and Kim cooked them up, very tasty. A highlight for the kids would have to be the rope swing. They spent ages swinging and landing in the water. It was so nice seeing the kids being kids entertained with just water and a rope.
Kids playing Croc hunter |
The photos of the yabbie catching. Charlotte loved it but was devastated she didn't catch any and then Will caught two!!!
Charlotte, Em, Pete, Will, Ryan, Hazza, Mark and Jake |
From Coen we headed through Lakefield National Park to Endevour Falls. With a stop off at the Old Laura Homestead to check it out. Endevour Falls was OK, but so so cold. The falls themselves were pretty small compared to the ones we have seen lately, plus you cant swim due to the crocs there. But we still didn't see any!!! They had a resident big barramundi that the kids fed and long horn cows, which tried to attack Charlotte. From Endevour Falls we went into Cooktown and explored for a couple of days.
We caught up with the Ellis family who were staying in Cooktown. Had a walk around the waterfront, a play at the playground, on the musical boat and of course the photo with the Captain Cook Monument. We also went for a drive to the lighthouse. Pretty speci view from up there, and windy, as it seems to be in Cooktown! We also spent a morning at the Captain Cook Museum. We really enjoyed that. Lots to look at, even for the kids. We sad goodbye to the Ellis family here, will be travelling again with them soon.
Old truck at Laura Station |
Beware, but where the bloody hell are they??? |
Endevour falls |
Captain cook chased a chook all around Australia, lost his pants in the middle of France and found them in Tasmania. |
Captain Cook Museum |
Getting in touch, some meditating at church... ooppps |
Anchor from Captain Cooks boat |
From Cooktown we went to the iconic Lions Den Hotel and camped the night. Was an interesting place. Kids enjoyed the playground then pretty much went to bed. Was handy as us adults could go and have a drink at the bar as we could see the tents from the deck. Met some other travellers and had a great evening chatting and laughing. And of course we wrote on the wall. Out the back on the roof if your ever there!!
Matt, Nikki, Mark and I |
We left Lions Den and went to check out a local waterfall, I forget the name. It was off the beaten track a bit but we found it eventually. The men decided to walk around and get a closer look, so the kids followed of course. Thought one of them was bound to fall in but they didn't!
You can just see Mark and the kids at the bottom |
Then we went on the Bloomfield Track to Cape Tribulation. We stopped off for lunch at the Wagul Wagul waterfalls. These were running pretty fast and its the dry season, would love to see them in the wet. I didn't know much about the track, but thought we would be doing more 4wding. It had a few really really steep hills, a couple of shallowish creek crossings and a good view. Wasn't too hard, but was fun anyway. Plus drum roll please, we saw a wild croc. From the safety of our cars and from a fair distance, tick.
Wagul Wagul, its so nice, you say it twice |
We stayed at a place called Pk's, which we thought was a camp ground, it had come recommended by a couple of people. But turned out to be a rustic campground/resort that mainly catered to back packers. But on a positive they only charged us $10 a night. Kids (and Mark) had a swim in the pool and it was tight ass Tuesday so we had Pizza and Pasta at the restaurant. Unfortunately it rained that night for the first time on the trip. And the Cronans tent got a bit flooded, and it kept on raining. So we decided, very sadly that it was time to head back to the caravans.... sniff sniff. We stopped off and had a look at a couple of the beaches, really pretty. Then drove through the Daintree, a really lush gorgeous area, but seems so full of people and tourist since being up Cape York, civilisation!!
Cape Trib beach |
So we arrived back at Mt Carbine and so ended our Cape York trip. We had many great times, a few not so good one but overall a pretty awesome trip. We have said that one day we will come back and do the Old Telly Track, hopefully not in too many years time!! We said a sad goodbye to the Cronan Crew, who ended up being great mates of ours. Hopefully we will see them again sometime soon.
We were so proud of our kids in Cape York. They had a ball, made some great mates and were such good kids while away. So far it seems our kids are turning out OK!!!! So now we head south then inland QLD and will be in Alice Springs by mid September for me to start work. Full time shift work, my gosh it may kill me!!
Sorry the post was a long one again. For me the blog is for everyone else to keep up with what we are up to. But its also an online journal for us as a family to look back on one day so we remember our fabulous trip. Tonight as I was writing this Jake came out and wanted me to play. He was very annoyed I was writing the blog. His statement was "thats in the past and I want to play with you in the now, and I shouldn't spend so much time on the computer". This is almost exactly what I say to him about his love for his Nintendo DS. Cheeky little monkey. I explained that I was writing the blog so one day when he is big he can read all about his and our adventure. His face lit up, he smiled a huge grin, gave me a big kiss and cuddle and said thanks Mum. Made it all worth while, as I was kinda over writing the blog, this one took me hours!! Takes a kid to remind you of the important things in life at times.
Love this post... espesially the end. Beautifully said!!!
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