Wednesday 25 June 2014

Ningaloo Station

We had planned to do a station stay in the area but hadn't decided which one.  We spoke to another travelling family who had just been to Ningaloo Station and raved about it, mostly the amazing fishing.  They did warn us about the terrible corrugated road in though.  After some debate we decided it was worth the drive if the place was going to be this great.  We set off, let some air out of all of our tyres and away we went.  And yes it was a very corrugated road to tow a 25foot van down, but and its a big but, the place was fabulous!  It took us three hours or so to do 50km.  Whilst dodging a few station animals along the way.

We stopped by the station homestead and with some negotiation they found two beach front sites for us, if we could get onto the beach.  We drove most of the way there and then got out and walked the last km to check out exactly how soft the sand was.  The boys decided it was worth a shot.  I chose not to be in the car when Mark dragged it onto the beach, I tend to get worried and a little mouthy at these times.  We got in fine and set up on the most magic spot.  Over looking the white sand and blue blue ocean.  We did happen to arrive on the best day they'd had in weeks aswell.

We spent a lot of our time here fishing, yep I know, more fishing.  It was really lovely though, to be able to be at the van and wander down whenever you liked.  We all had a fish, Woods not as lucky or probably as skilled as the Blundels.  Mark caught lots of interesting fish, some not so edible.  I caught a fish one night, but really I think Craig did.  He cast it out for me, as I couldn't get it deep enough.  Then when I hooked a fish he basically helped me wind it in too, but a catch is a catch!  One night Mark asked me to throw his line back in the water for him as he was busy up at the van.  I asked Craig too, then I stood and fished with it for a while but got bored and gave up.  Just as I walked away Craig grabbed the line as a fish had been caught.  I've never  seen Mark run so fast, as he screeched " its mine its mine I want to wind it in!!!" It was a nice size and tasty Trevally.  Our little fisher girl spent most of her time fishing or playing with fish.  She managed to catch quite a few fish in the end, clever girl and she loved it. 

Vik, 'fishing'

Each evening as we had a go at fishing I spent more time taking photos.  And surprise surprise I took more sunset photos.  I may get sick of it eventually but not yet.  We had some lovely sunsets but by far my favourite was the one shaped like a fish.

Mark catching the big fish in the sky

The kids did some school work, we've pretty much finished for the term now, yippee.  Then the rest of the time they were mucking about outside.  No TV, electronics or anything, their toys of choice were shells, bones and each other.  They had a wonderful time and all were such good kids.

Blondie the dog we met

washing up the dishes

a few friends after an evening walk
We had a camp fire most nights and the adults usually sat around it eating dinner and having a night cap.  Mark was very happy to make use of his 'choofer' again, which is lucky as I was getting very sick of carting it around the place and not using it.  But I had to eat my words as it was great to have camp fire here.

We took a drive over some sand dunes to the old whaling station.  Its all in ruins and very old and rusty.  We found it interesting, as we'd been to one in Albany.  The kids even remembered all about it and were chatting about how bad it was for the whales.  Plus they found some more cool sand dunes to tumble down.

Whilst we were there the weather was nice, a little windy but not super hot.   The first night we were there we watched a very large shark chasing fish in close to the beach.  It put me off swimming for  a little while but eventually we got in.  The kids and I only got in the shallows, where it is so crystal clear you can see everything.  Mark was a little more carefree and swam out deep, saw lots of fish and a massive stingray.  He was in the water on dusk one evening and Craig was having trouble getting his fishing line out deep.  So of course Mark swims it out deep, on dusk, when sharks feed!!!  On the last day the sun shone and the wind died down.  We had a magic swim in the afternoon, was so nice.

The girls and I had many walks on the beach.  Our new favourite activity is Cowrie shell collecting.  On this one beach, there were so many Cowrie shells.  I've never seen so many before.  Each day we walked and collected them, we ended up with 493 and the Blundell's in the 300's.  That's a lot of Cowrie shells.  I may have become a little obsessed and may even have started dreaming about them!

As you can probably see we had a great week.  We relaxed, fished, walked, collected shells, had camp fires and generally had a great time.  We would definitely recommend this place, as long as your careful driving it but its so well worth the effort.  So we said a sad farewell, but there's more to see, broomed the copious amounts of sand out and tackled the drive back to the bitamen.